Rosenberg self-esteem scale

The Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSES), developed by sociologist Dr. Morris Rosenberg[1], is a self-esteem measure widely used in social-science research.

The RSES is designed similar to social-survey questionnaires. It is a ten-item Likert-type scale with items answered on a four-point scale — from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Five of the scale items have positively worded statements and five have negatively worded ones. The scale measures state self-esteem by asking the respondents to reflect on their current feelings. The original sample for which the scale was developed consisted of 5,024 high-school juniors and seniors from 10 randomly selected schools in New York State. The Rosenberg self-esteem scale is considered a reliable and valid quantitative tool for self-esteem assessment.[2]

The RSES has been translated and adapted to various languages, such as Persian[3], French[4], Chinese[5], Italian[6], Portuguese[7], and Spanish.[8] The scale is extensively used in cross-cultural studies in up to 53 different nations.[9]


  1. ^ Rosenberg, M. (1965). Society and the adolescent self-image. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  2. ^ Blascovich, Jim and Joseph Tomaka. 1993. "Measures of Self-Esteem." Pp. 115-160 in J.P. Robinson, P.R. Shaver, and L.S. Wrightsman (eds.), Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Attitudes. Third Edition. Ann Arbor: Institute for Social Research.
  3. ^ Shapurian, R., Hojat, M., & Nayerahmadi, H. (1987). Psychometric characteristics and dimensionality of a Persian version of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 65, 27-34.
  4. ^ Vallieres, E.F., & Vallerand, R.J. (1990). Traduction et validation Canadienne-Française de l’Echelle de l’Estime de soi de Rosenberg. International Journal of Psychology, 25, 305-316.
  5. ^ Cheng, S.T., & Hamid, P.N. (1995). An error in the use of translated scales: The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale for Chinese. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 81, 431-434.
  6. ^ Prezza, M., Trombaccia, F.R., & Armento, L. (1997). La scala dell´autostima di Rosenberg: traduzione e validazione italiana. Bollettino di Psicologia Applicata, 223, 35-44
  7. ^ Santos, P.J., & Maia, J. (2003). Análise factorial confirmatória e validaçao preliminar de uma versao portuguesa da escala de auto-estima de Rosenberg. Psicologia: Teoria, Investigaçao e Prática, 2, 253-268.
  8. ^ José Martín-Albo, Juan L. Núñez, José G. Navarro, & Fernando Grijalvo (2007) The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale: Translation and Validation in University Students The Spanish Journal of Psychology Vol. 10, No. 2, 458-467
  9. ^ Schmitt, D.P., & Allik, J. (2005). Simultaneous administration of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale in 53 nations: Exploring the universal and culture-specific features of global selfesteem. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 89, 623-642.

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